San Carlos City Environment Management Office (CEMO) thru Biodiversity Actions and Landscape Approach in Nature Conservation (BALANCE), its technical working group for the implementation of the program held an initial meeting this morning, Jan. 30 at SP Session Hall.

CENRO Engr. Loreto Sanchez said the meeting aimed to formulate a management plan on how to implement the biodiversity program for the green spaces outside the protected area of the city.
Participants of the said meeting include the City Environment Management Office, City Tourism Office, City Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office, People’s Park Management Office, City Agriculture’s Office, City Planning and Development Coordinator’s Office, City Engineering Office, San Carlos Development Board, Inc., and City Budget Office.

Invited guest Operations Director of Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Philip Godfrey Jakosalem discussed the program overview, its importance and impact on the community and global biodiversity.

The program was created to continue its commitment in addressing climate change, biodiversity loss, watershed protection, and the series of green spaces following the Negros Island Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NIBSAP) 2018-2028 to serve as the biodiversity framework of the city that is aligned with the Philippines Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2018.
Sanchez and Jakosalem added that the program is necessary to mainstream the Biodiversity Programs and local government projects; encouraging schools to support the city’s program not only in solid waste but also in conservation.
*Please watch the video of this news event and other stories thru #VAMOSNewsSanCarlos over Youtube channel and at Parasat TV channel 2 every Saturday night at 7PM.