The City Assessor and Treasurer Offices of San Carlos City underwent a 2-day Local Assessment and Treasury Operations Evaluation by the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) Region VI from March 11-12, 2024.

The group consisted of BLGF Regional Director Maria Rhodora Gascon, Local Treasury Operations Officer (LTOO) IV Nemia Segovia, Local Assessment Operations Officer (LAOO) III Sesa Grace Cataloctocan, Special Investigator III Joanne Dediles, LAOO I Merle Ondon, Admin Officer V Carol Tilos, and Admin Aide III Alvin Aguirre.

Gascon said the activity aimed at validating the performance of the two offices on revenue generation, strategies implemented in plans and programs formulation, tax enforcement, tax collection process, fees & charges, and real property tax administration.

She added that the evaluation would serve as the city’s guide to good financial housekeeping and public financial management improvement as a written report on the evaluation results would be sent to the said offices and the mayor.
She also commended the City Treasurer’s and Assessor’s Offices for their efficiency in performing their duties while collaboratively working to provide quality output in documenting accountability in local governance.
Meanwhile, San Carlos City Mayor Renato Y. Gustilo took pride in the hard-work and dedication of local government employees, especially in the accomplishments of the city while showing the BLGF team the annex building, DRRM Command Center; also mentioning the purchased lots, CCTVs, and traffic lights, among others.
Please watch the video of this news event and other stories thru #VAMOSNewsSanCarlos over Youtube channel and at Parasat TV channel 2 every Saturday night at 7PM.