The city government of San Carlos thru the Office for Human Resource Management (OHRM) is holding a 2-Day Basic Customer Service Seminar starting today, Feb. 22 to 23, at the Consuelo Alger Community Center.

At least 47 government employees from the different offices participated in the seminar which include lectures, group discussions, workshops, hands-on, facilitation exercises, and activities.

The Basic Customer Service Seminar aimed at equipping government employees with skills and knowledge that can help them provide better customer service and identifying customer needs, recognizing how one’s attitude affects customer service, using outstanding customer service to generate better output, identify barriers to excellent customer service, deal appropriately with difficult customers, build good will through face to face customer service, provide outstanding customer service over the phone, and connect with customers through online tools.

Cagayan de Oro-based Organizational Development Consultant Churchill Aguilar served as the resource speaker for the seminar.

*Please watch the video of this news event and other stories thru #VAMOSNewsSanCarlos over YouTube channel at and at Parasat TV channel 2 every Saturday night at 7PM.