Key stakeholders in San Carlos City are having the Users Fee Manual Operations Workshop from Dec. 3 to 4, 2024, at the SCC Multi-Purpose Hall, Park Marina.

Tourism Operations Officer II Jennifer Paran said the workshop which resulted from consultation meetings with stakeholders would provide them with the necessary guidelines for implementing user fees for diving activities within the MPA under the city’s existing ordinance.
The manual of operation is a guiding document that standardizes and streamlines the collection, sharing, and use of User Fees. It establishes clear instructions, duties, and responsibilities for all parties engaged, ensuring alignment with the city’s goals and creating accountability among stakeholders.

City Environment and Natural Resources Officer Engr. Loreto Sanchez stressed that imposing such fees is crucial for protecting the city’s marine resources. He said fees will help the city regulate and manage marine environment use, ensuring its conservation while preventing overexploitation.
The workshop is facilitated by the Provincial Environment Management Office (PEMO) while resource persons include Local Conservation Area Coordinator Pierre Francis San Jose, Biologist Rusiel Placio, and Extensionist Evelyn Cielo.

The sessions are focused on refining collection procedures, fund-sharing guidelines, and how user fees will be accessed and released.
In addition, participants and resource persons reviewed relevant local laws, including the Revenue Code and the Fisheries Code of San Carlos City which are integral to the Users Fee Manual formulation.
Representatives from various local government offices, including the City Tourism Office, City Treasurer’s Office, City Planning and Development Coordinator’s Office, Coastal Resources Management Division, two island barangays, and several people’s organizations participated in the workshop.
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