Members of the Bureau of Fire (BFP)-San Carlos thru its Adopt a School and Bombero Ko, Titser Ko programs, fed and lectured the 378 San Jose Elementary School students in continue reading : BFP-San Carlos Feeds and Orients Rural Schoolchildren

Members of the Bureau of Fire (BFP)-San Carlos thru its Adopt a School and Bombero Ko, Titser Ko programs, fed and lectured the 378 San Jose Elementary School students in continue reading : BFP-San Carlos Feeds and Orients Rural Schoolchildren
The City Assessor and Treasurer Offices of San Carlos City underwent a 2-day Local Assessment and Treasury Operations Evaluation by the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) Region VI from continue reading : Local Offices of Assessor and Treasurer Evaluated by the BLGF
The Philippine National Police (PNP)-San Carlos City visited Pano-olan Elementary School thru its Oplan BES or Bisita Eskwela I am Strong program today, March 12. At least 56 grade 5 continue reading : PNP Holds Oplan Bisita Eskwela in Pano-olan Elementary School
Beneficiaries of the Escuela Socio Deportiva Sining at Pag-asa (SIPA) Program in San Carlos City will be in Madrid, Spain for the 2024 Real Madrid Foundation Clinics World Challenge at continue reading : San Carlos City Joins 2024 Real Madrid Foundation Clinics World Challenge
The Bureau of Fire Protection-San Carlos City (BFP-San Carlos) toured at least 50 Grade 5 & 6 pupils of School of the Future (SOF) today, March 11, as part of continue reading : BFP-San Carlos Starts Touring Activity
The 187 representatives of the 18 barangays in San Carlos City underwent a two-day orientation on Barangay Newly Elected Officials Towards Grassroots Renewal and Empowerment for Accountable and Transparent (BNEO continue reading : Barangay and SK Officials Capacitated on Governance
The Bureau of Fire Protection conducted a clean-up drive in So. Mabuni, Brgy. Guadalupe, early this morning, March 9, in line with the Observance of Fire Prevention Month. Representatives of continue reading : BFP Conducts Clean-up Drive
San Carlos City Fire Station with the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)Special Rescue Force of Negros Occidental (SRFNO) held a Fire Square Road Show yesterday afternoon, March 6, at Paseo continue reading : San Carlos City Fire Station Sets up Fire Square Road Show
Representatives of different community partners and non-government organizations in San Carlos City underwent a workshop on Negros Island Program Development yesterday, March 5, to identify potential collaborations for program implementation. continue reading : Various Groups Undergo Development Workshop
Madlang People! Mag-audition na! MARCH 5, 2024 (Tuesday) San Carlos City Auditorium, Locsin St, Negros Occidental 10AM to 4PMLook for CHIQUI CASTILLO 09062407988 #TawagNgTanghalanKidsOpen to all singers 6-12 years old 1 English and 1 continue reading : It’s Showtime Audition