The city government of San Carlos thru City Administrator Atty. Estefanio S. Libutan Jr. turned over one unit Toyota Hiace Van to the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) today, Mar. continue reading : City Provides New Vehicle to PESO

The city government of San Carlos thru City Administrator Atty. Estefanio S. Libutan Jr. turned over one unit Toyota Hiace Van to the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) today, Mar. continue reading : City Provides New Vehicle to PESO
LOOK: The Office of Civil Defense (OCD) Region 6, with San Carlos City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office, is facilitating a 5-day Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDANA) training starting today continue reading : 5-day Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDANA) training
The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)-San Carlos held a bloodletting activity today, March 15, at Brgy. IV Hall. The event is in line with the observance of 2024 Fire Prevention continue reading : BFP Holds Bloodletting Activity
The Katingal-an Elementary School community underwent a Gender and Development (GAD) Symposium today, March 15, at the Gabaldon Bldg. Katingal-an ES. Said symposium is in line with the celebration of continue reading : Katingal-an Elementary School Undergo GAD Symposium
Members of the Bureau of Fire (BFP)-San Carlos thru its Adopt a School and Bombero Ko, Titser Ko programs, fed and lectured the 378 San Jose Elementary School students in continue reading : BFP-San Carlos Feeds and Orients Rural Schoolchildren
The City Assessor and Treasurer Offices of San Carlos City underwent a 2-day Local Assessment and Treasury Operations Evaluation by the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF) Region VI from continue reading : Local Offices of Assessor and Treasurer Evaluated by the BLGF
The Philippine National Police (PNP)-San Carlos City visited Pano-olan Elementary School thru its Oplan BES or Bisita Eskwela I am Strong program today, March 12. At least 56 grade 5 continue reading : PNP Holds Oplan Bisita Eskwela in Pano-olan Elementary School
Beneficiaries of the Escuela Socio Deportiva Sining at Pag-asa (SIPA) Program in San Carlos City will be in Madrid, Spain for the 2024 Real Madrid Foundation Clinics World Challenge at continue reading : San Carlos City Joins 2024 Real Madrid Foundation Clinics World Challenge
The Bureau of Fire Protection-San Carlos City (BFP-San Carlos) toured at least 50 Grade 5 & 6 pupils of School of the Future (SOF) today, March 11, as part of continue reading : BFP-San Carlos Starts Touring Activity
The 187 representatives of the 18 barangays in San Carlos City underwent a two-day orientation on Barangay Newly Elected Officials Towards Grassroots Renewal and Empowerment for Accountable and Transparent (BNEO continue reading : Barangay and SK Officials Capacitated on Governance