Brgy. Ermita of Sipaway Island in San Carlos City underwent annual revalidation of their status as a drug-cleared and free barangay today, Aug. 8, at Brgy. Ermita covered court.

Said activity is pursuant to resolution no. 01-01 series of 2024, where the Regional Oversight Committee Resolution of the Barangay Drug-clearing Program mandates the previously cleared barangays in Western Visayas to revalidate their status as drug-cleared and free barangays.

In line with the activity, at least 7 Persons Who Used Drugs (PWUD) were subjected to drug testing and profiling by San Carlos City Anti-Drug Abuse Council (SCCADAC), the City Social Welfare and Development Office, and the local Philippine National Police; and will undergo a 5-day Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation Program (CBDRP) next week, Aug. 12-16.

Legal Assistant and SCCADAC Secretariat Ana Liza Macaraya said the personalities are those identified as PWUD who cannot be located, transferred out of residents, and were working during the last CBDRP which are now visible in their barangays; after the CBDRP, the personalities will be subjected to a 2-year after-care program.
Macaraya shared that Ermita is the 6th barangay in San Carlos City to undergo the program.
Punong Barangay of Ermita Valentina Fuerzas thanked the SCCADAC for the initiative which raised awareness among residents of the consequences of using illegal drugs; encouraging individuals to stop their vices and start doing good deeds instead.
On the other hand, 19 Barangay Public Safety Officers were also drug tested to ensure a drug-free working environment.
*Please watch the video of this news event and other stories thru #VAMOSNewsSanCarlos over Youtube channel and at Parasat TV channel 2 every Saturday night at 7PM.